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About Madtrio Podcast

The Guys from Reel Flix Reviews are back this time its no holds barred be prepared to laugh, cry, and leave angry comments because the Madtrio are here


MadTrio Podcast - Episode 049 

The trio is back to the usual to discuss drinks you don't want to try, drinks we like, different alcohols, somehow Ken Burns, vanta-black, and favorite alcohol.


MadTrio Podcast - 048

The trio is down one and has Bri join them to discuss Dave Chappelle's new comedy on Netflix, micro bible, Ramos gin fizz, Orlando Bloom stepping out of Hollywood, issues of movies selections these days, horror stories in movies and stories.


MadTrio Podcast - Episode 047 

The trio is not a trio this episode but a quad with the addition of the old guy to discuss Disney acquisition of FOX content, controlling censorship and adjusting content, the momentum of activist movements, the influence of journalism on the masses, a new release of a book about 9/11 The Only Plane In The Sky, books to read complete opposite of RFR, and the deadliest century checkmate blackglove.


MadTrio Podcast - Episode 046 

The trio celebrates another occasion to bring you joyous topics of drinking koolaid, how history will write and notate accomplishments,  notable mentions of controversial acts, people of note that are annoying and hacks, long term effects of technological advancements, and issues of living on our planet.


MadTrio Podcast - Episode 045 - Audio Edition

The trio makes another grand appearance to irritate you once again to discuss fights of people wanting fight, homeless issues, romanticizing early childhood, division in our American society, the degradation of our society's ability to listen and understand differing opinions.